- Shanky Goel, Gurpreet Singh Lehal, "A Solution for Line Segmentation Problems in Sindhi Character Recognition System", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE),Volume-8 Issue-10, August 2019, ISSN: 2278-3075
- ਡਾ. ਗੁਰਪ੍ਰੀਤ ਸਿੰਘ ਲਹਿਲ, ਡਾ. ਹਰਵਿੰਦਰ ਪਾਲ ਕੌਰ, "ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਤਕਨਾਲੋਜੀ : ਦਸ਼ਾ ਅਤੇ ਦਿਸ਼ਾ", ਸੰਵਾਦ-੧੧, ਪੰਨੇ 29-43, ਜਨਵਰੀ-ਜੂਨ 2020, ISSN : 2395-1273
- Umrinderpal Singh, Vishal Goyal and Gurpreet Singh Lehal, "Urdu to Punjabi Machine Translation: An Incremental Training Approach", (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 227-238 (2016).
- Shraddha Arya, Indu Chhabra and Gurpreet Singh Lehal,"Recognition of Devnagari Numerals using
Gabor Filter", Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 8(27), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2015/v8i27/81856, October 2015
- Ankur Rana and Gurpreet Singh Lehal, "Offline Urdu OCR using Ligature based Segmentation for Nastaliq Script", Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 8(35), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2015/v8i35/86807, December 2015
- Kawarbir Singh Dhanju, Gurpreet Singh Lehal, Tejinder Singh Saini and Arshdeep Kaur, "Design and Implementation of Shahmukhi Spell Checker", Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 8(27), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2015/v8i27/83917, October 2015
- Gurpreet Singh Lehal, Tejinder Singh Saini, Pretpal Kaur Buttar, “Automatic Bilingual Legacy-Fonts Identification and Conversion System", Research in Computing Science 86 (2014), pp. 9-23.
- Jasbir Singh and Gurpreet Singh Lehal, “Comparative Performance Analysis of Feature(S)-Classifier Combination for Devanagari Optical Character Recognition System", International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 37-42 (2014).
- Rajneesh Rani, Renu Dhir and Gurpreet Singh Lehal, “Gabor Features Based Script Identification of Lines within a Bilingual/Trilingual Document”, International Journal of Advance Science and Technology, Vol. 66, pp. 1-12 (2014).
- Vishal Gupta and Gurpreet Singh Lehal, “Automatic Text Summarization System for Punjabi Language”, Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, Vol 5, No 3, pp. 257-271 (August 2013).
- C. P. Kamboj and Gurpreet Singh Lehal, “ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਦੇ ਕੰਪਿਊਟਰੀਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਸਥਿਤੀ, ਸਮੱਸਿਆਵਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਸਮਾਧਾਨ : ਇੱਕ ਸਰਵੇਖਣ ”, Samdarshi, Punjabi Academy, Delhi, Issue No. 132 (March-April 2013).
- Vishal Gupta and Gurpreet Singh Lehal, “A Survey of Common Stemming Techniques and Existing Stemmers for Indian Languages”, Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, Vol 5, No 2, pp. 157-161 (May 2013).
- Vishal Gupta and Gurpreet Singh Lehal, “Named Entity Recognition
for Punjabi Language Text Summarization”, International Journal of Computer
Applications, Vol. 33, No. 3, pp. 28-32 (2011).
- Vishal Gupta and Gurpreet Singh Lehal, “Features Selection and
Weight learning for Punjabi Text Summarization”, International Journal of
Engineering Trends and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 45-48 (2011).
- V Gupta and G. S. Lehal, “Automatic Keywords Extraction for
Punjabi Language”, International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, No.
5, pp. 327-331 (2011).
- K. K. Batra and G. S. Lehal, “Automatic Translation System from
Punjabi to English for Simple Sentences in Legal Domain”, International Journal
of Translation, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 79-98 (2011).
- P Singh and G. S. Lehal, “Syllables Selection for the Development
of Speech Database for Punjabi TTS System”, IJCSI International Journal of
Computer Science Issues, Vol. 7, Issue 6, pp. 164-168 (November 2010).
- K K Batra and G S Lehal, “Rule Based Machine Translation of Noun
Phrases from Punjabi to English”, IJCSI International Journal of Computer
Science Issues, Vol. 7, Issue 5, pp. 409-413 (September 2010).
- V Gupta, G.S.Lehal, “A Survey of Text Summarization Extractive
Techniques”, Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence , Volume 2,
No. 3, pp. 258-268 (2010).
- V Goyal, G.S.Lehal, “Web Based Hindi to Punjabi Machine
Translation System”, Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence ,
Volume 2, No. 2, pp. 148-151 (2010).
- G S Lehal, “A Survey of the State of the Art in Punjabi Language
Processing”, Language In India, Volume 9, No. 10, pp. 9-23 (2009).
- V Goyal and G S Lehal, "Evaluation of Hindi to Punjabi Machine
Translation System", International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Volume 4,
No. 1, pp. 36-39 (2009).
- M K Jindal, G S Lehal and R K Sharma, “On Segmentation of
Touching Characters and Overlapping Lines in Degraded Printed Gurmukhi Script”,
International Journal of Image and Graphics, Volume 9, No. 3, pp. 321-353 (July
- V Gupta and G S Lehal, "A Survey of Text Mining Techniques and
Applications", Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence, Volume 1,
No. 1, pp. 60-76 (August 2009).
- G S Josan and G S Lehal, “Size of N for Word Sense Disambiguation
using N Gram Model for Punjabi Language”, International Journal of Translation,
Vol. 20, No. 1-2, pp. 47-56 (2008).
- T S Saini and G S Lehal “Shahmukhi to Gurmukhi Transliteration
System: A Corpus based Approach”, Research in Computing Science (Mexico), Volume
33, pp. 151-162 (2008).
- M K Jindal, R K Sharma and G S Lehal, "Segmentation of
Horizontally Overlapping Lines in Printed Indian Scripts", International Journal
of Computational Intelligence Research (IJCIR), Volume 3, No. 4, pp. 277-286
(Dec 2007).
- G S Lehal, "A Gurmukhi Collation Algorithm", International
Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, pp. 60-64 (Jan 2007).
- G S Lehal, "Design and Implementation of Punjabi Spell Checker",
International Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, pp. 70-75 (Jan
- G S Joshan and G S Lehal, "Evaluation of Direct Machine
Translation System from Punjabi to Hindi", International Journal of Systemics,
Cybernetics and Informatics, pp. 76-83 (Jan 2007).
- G. S. Lehal and Chandan Singh, "A Complete Machine Printed
Gurmukhi OCR System", Vivek, pp. 10-17, Vol. 16, No. 3. (2006).
- M K Jindal, G S Lehal and R K Sharma, “Segmentation problems and
solutions in printed degraded Gurmukhi text”, International Journal of Signal
Processing, Volume 2, Number 4, pp. 258-267, (2005)
- G S Lehal and Chandan Singh, “A Post Processor for Gurmukhi OCR”,
SADHANA Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences, Vol. 27, Part 1, pp.
99-112, (2002).
- G S Lehal and Chandan Singh, “Feature extraction and
classification for OCR of Gurmukhi script”, Vivek, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 2-12
Conference Proceedings
1. |
Gurpreet Singh Lehal and Tejinder Singh Saini, “Sangam: A Perso-Arabic to Indic Script Machine Transliteration Model”, Proceedings of 10th International Conference on Natural Language Processing, Goa. (2014)
2. |
Gurpreet Singh Lehal, “Ligature Segmentation for Urdu OCR”, Proceedings of 12th International Conference of Document Analysis and Recognition, Washington DC, USA. pp. 1162-1166. (2013)
3. |
Rajneesh Rani, Renu Dhir and Gurpreet Singh Lehal, “Script Identification of Pre-Segmented Multi-Font Characters and Digits”, Proceedings of 12th International Conference of Document Analysis and Recognition, Washington DC, USA. pp. 1182-1186. (2013)
4. |
Gurpreet Singh Lehal, “A Bilingual Gurmukhi-English OCR based on multiple script identifiers and language models”, Proceedings of 4th International Workshop of Multilingual OCR, Article No. 2, Washington DC, USA. (2013).
5. |
Gurpreet Singh Lehal and Ankur Rana, “Recognition of Nastalique Urdu Ligatures”, Proceedings of 4th International Workshop of Multilingual OCR, Article No. 6, Washington DC, USA. (2013).
6. |
Simpel Jindal and Gurpreet Singh Lehal, “Line segmentation of
handwritten Gurmukhi manuscripts”, Proceedings of the Workshop on Document
Analysis and Recognition (DAR 2012) , Mumbai, Publisher ACM, USA. 74-78. (2012)
7. |
Gurpreet Singh Lehal, “Choice of recognizable units for Urdu OCR”
Proceedings of the Workshop on Document Analysis and Recognition (DAR 2012) ,
Mumbai, Publisher ACM, USA. 79-85. (2012)
8. |
UmrinderPal Singh, Vishal Goyal and Gurpreet Singh Lehal, “Named
Entity Recognition System for Urdu”, Proceedings of the COLING 2012, Mumbai, pp.
2507-2518. (2012)
9. |
Gurpreet Singh Lehal and Tejinder Singh Saini, “Conversion
between Scripts of Punjabi: Beyond Simple Transliteration”, Proceedings of the
COLING 2012: Posters, Mumbai, pp. 633-642. (2012)
10. |
Gurpreet Singh Lehal and Tejinder Singh Saini, “Development of a
Complete Urdu-Hindi Transliteration System”, Proceedings of the COLING 2012:
Posters, Mumbai, pp. 643-652. (2012)
11. |
Vishal Gupta and Gurpreet Singh Lehal, “Automatic Punjabi Text
Extractive Summarization System”, Proceedings of the COLING 2012: Demonstartion
papers, Mumbai, pp. 191-198. (2012)
12. |
Vishal Gupta and Gurpreet Singh Lehal, “Complete Pre Processing
Phase of Punjabi Text Extractive Summarization System”, Proceedings of the
COLING 2012: Demonstartion papers, Mumbai, pp. 199-206. (2012)
13. |
Gurpreet Singh Lehal, Tejinder Singh Saini and Savleen Kaur
Chowdhary, “An Omni-Font Gurmukhi to Shahmukhi Transliteration System”,
Proceedings of the COLING 2012: Demonstartion papers, Mumbai, pp. 313-320.
14. |
Parminder Singh and Gurpreet Singh Lehal, “Punjabi Text-To-Speech
Synthesis System”, Proceedings of the COLING 2012: Demonstartion papers, Mumbai,
pp. 409-416. (2012)
15. |
Tejinder Singh Saini and Gurpreet Singh Lehal, “Word
Disambiguation in Shahmukhi to Gurmukhi Transliteration”, Proceedings of the 9th
Workshop on Asian Language Resources, IJCNLP 2011, Chiang Mai, Thailand, pp.
79–87. (2011) |
16. |
Vishal Gupta and Gurpreet Singh Lehal, “Punjabi Language Stemmer
for nouns and proper names”, Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on South and
Southeast Asian Natural Language Processing (WSSANLP), IJCNLP 2011, Chiang Mai,
Thailand, pp. 35–39. (2011). |
17. |
Manoj K. Sachan, Gurpreet Singh Lehal, and Vijender Kumar Jain,
“A Novel Method to Segment Online Gurmukhi Script”, Information Systems for
Indian Languages, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 139,
Springer-Verlag, pp. 1-8. (2011). |
18. |
Parminder Singh and Gurpreet Singh Lehal, “A Rule Based Schwa
Deletion Algorithm for Punjabi TTS System”, Information Systems for Indian
Languages, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 139,
Springer-Verlag, pp. 98-103. (2011). |
19. |
Gurpreet Singh Lehal, and Tejinder Saini, “A Transliteration
Based Word Segmentation System for Shahmukhi Script”, Information Systems for
Indian Languages, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 139,
Springer-Verlag, pp. 136-143. (2011). |
20. |
Jasbir Singh and Gurpreet Singh Lehal, “Optimizing Character
Class Count for Devnagari Optical Character Recognition”, Information Systems
for Indian Languages, Communications in Computer and Information Science,
Springer-Verlag, pp. 144-149. (2011). |
21. |
Rajneesh Rani, Renu Dhir, and Gurpreet Singh Lehal, “Comparative
Analysis of Gabor and Discriminating Feature Extraction Techniques for Script
Identification”, Information Systems for Indian Languages, Communications in
Computer and Information Science, Vol. 139, Springer-Verlag, pp. 174-179.
(2011). |
22. |
Vishal Gupta and Gurpreet Singh Lehal, “Preprocessing Phase of
Punjabi Language Text Summarization”, Information Systems for Indian Languages,
Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 139, Springer-Verlag,
pp. 250-253. (2011) |
23. |
G. S. Lehal and T. S. Saini, "A Hindi to Urdu Transliteration
System”, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Natural Language
Processing, pp. 235-240, Kharagpur, India. (2010) |
24. |
G. S. Lehal, “A Word Segmentation System for Handling Space
Omission Problem in Urdu Script”, Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on South and
Southeast Asian Natural Language Processing (WSSANLP), pp. 43–50, the 23rd
International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), Beijing. (2010). |
25. |
G. S. Lehal, “A Two Stage Word Segmentation System For Handling
Space Insertion Problem In Urdu Script”, Proceedings of World Academy of
Science, Engineering and Technology, Bangkok, Thailand, Vol. 60, pp 321-324.
(2009) |
26. |
G. S. Lehal, “A Gurmukhi to Shahmukhi Transliteration System”,
Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Natural Language Processing, pp.
167-173, Hyderabad, India. (2009). |
27. |
D. Sharma, G. S. Lehal, "Shape Encoded Post Processing of
Gurmukhi OCR", Proceedings of 9th International Conference of Document Analysis
and Recognition, Barcelona, IEEE Computer Society Press, California, USA, pp
788-792. (2009). |
28. |
D. Sharma, G. S. Lehal, "Form Field Frame Boundary Removal for
Form Processing System in Gurmukhi Script", Proceedings of 9th International
Conference of Document Analysis and Recognition, Barcelona, Spain. (2009). |
29. |
G.S. Lehal, "Optical Character Recognition of Gurmukhi Script
using Multiple Classifiers", Proceedings of International Workshop of
Multilingual OCR, Article No. 7, Barcelona, Spain. (2009). |
30. |
M.K. Jindal, R.K. Sharma, G.S. Lehal, "Segmentation of touching
characters in upper zone in printed Gurmukhi script", Proceedings of the 2nd
Bangalore Annual Compute Conference, Bangalore, Publisher ACM, USA, Paper No. 9.
(2009). |
31. |
M. S. Gill and G. S. Lehal, “A Grammar Checking System for
Punjabi”, Coling 2008: Companion volume: Posters and Demonstrations, Manchester,
UK, pp. 149-152 (August 2008). |
32. |
G. S. Josan and G. S. Lehal, “A Punjabi to Hindi machine
Translation System”, Coling 2008: Companion volume: Posters and Demonstrations,
Manchester, UK, pp. 157-160 (August 2008). |
33. |
T. S. Saini, G. S. Lehal and V. S. Kalra, “Shahmukhi to Gurmukhi
Transliteration System”, Coling 2008: Companion volume: Posters and
Demonstrations, Manchester, UK, pp. 177-180 (August 2008).
34. |
V. Goyal and G. S. Lehal, "Hindi Morphological Analyzer and
Generator", Proceedings First International Conference on Emerging Trends in
Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, IEEE Computer Society Press, California,
USA, pp. 1156-1159 (2008).
35. |
M.K. Jindal, R.K. Sharma, G.S. Lehal, "Structural Features for
Recognizing Degraded Printed Gurmukhi Script", Proceedings International
Conference on Information Technology : New Generations (ITNG 2008), Las Vegas,
IEEE Computer Society Press, California, USA, pp. 668-673. (2008). |
36. |
M.K. Jindal, R.K. Sharma, G.S. Lehal, "A Study of Different Kinds
of Degradation in Printed Gurmukhi Script,", Proceedings International
Conference on Computing: Theory and Applications (ICCTA'07), Kolkata, IEEE
Computer Society Press, California, USA, pp. 538-544. (2007). |
37. |
P. Singh and G S Lehal, "Text-to-Speech Synthesis system for
Punjabi language", Proceedings International Conference on Multidisciplinary
Information Sciences and Technologies, Merida, Spain, pp.388-391. (2006). |
38. |
D V Sharma and G S Lehal, “An Iterative Algorithm for
Segmentation of Isolated Handwritten Words in Gurmukhi Script”, Proceedings 18th
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Hong Kong, IEEE Computer
Society Press, California, USA, Vol 2, pp 1022-1025. (2006). |
39. |
G S Lehal and M Bhagat, “Error Pattern in Punjabi Typed Text”,
Proceedings of International Symposium on Machine Translation, NLP and TSS, New
Delhi, pp. 128-141, (2004). |
40. |
G S Lehal , Chandan Singh and Renu Dhir, “Structural
feature-based approach for script identification of Gurmukhi and Roman
characters and words”, Document Recognition and Retrieval X, Proceedings SPIE,
USA, Vol. 5010 (2003). (Accepted for publication)
41. |
G S Lehal and Chandan Singh, "A technique for segmentation of
Gurmukhi text”, Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, W. Skarbek (Ed.),
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 2124, Springer-Verlag, Germany, pp.
191-200 (2001) |
42. |
G S Lehal, Chandan Singh and Ritu Lehal , "A shape based post
processor for Gurmukhi OCR”, Proceedings of 6th International Conference on
Document Analysis and Recognition, Seattle, USA, IEEE Computer Society Press,
USA, pp. 1105-1109, (2001) |
43. |
G. S. Lehal and Nivedan Bhatt, “A recognition system for Devnagri
and English handwritten numerals”, Advances in Multimodal Interfaces – ICMI
2001, T. Tan, Y. Shi and W. Gao (Editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Vol. 1948, Springer-Verlag, Germany, pp. 442-449. (2000). |
44. |
G S Lehal and Chandan Singh, “A Gurmukhi script recognition
system”, Proceedings 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
Barcelona, Spain, IEEE Computer Society Press, California, USA, Vol 2, pp
557-560. (2000). |
45. |
G S Lehal and Renu Dhir, “A Range Free Skew Detection Technique
for Digitized Gurmukhi Script Documents”, Proceedings 5th International
Conference of Document Analysis and Recognition, Bangalore, IEEE Computer
Society Press, California, USA, pp. 147-152, (1999) |
46. |
G S Lehal and Kulwinder Singh, “A study of data structures for
implementation of Punjabi dictionary”, Cognitive Systems Reviews and Previews,
J. R. Isaac and K. Batra (Editors), ICCS ’99, Delhi, Phoenix Publishing House
Pvt Ltd, pp. 489-497, (1999). |